Addenbrooke's Hospital Archives - Conservation and preservation of archives
Armourers and Braziers Company - Insitu conservation of Library Collection
Atlantis European Ltd - Conservation materials consultancy
Barbican Art Gallery - Conservation of modern paintings
Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives - Conservation and preservation of archives
Bishopsgate Foundation - HLF funded conservation project manager
Bonhams - Conservation of art collections
British Psychological Society - Conservation of archives
British Sporting Art Trust - Conservation of watercolours
Cartier Ltd - Preservation management
Christies - Conservation of art collections
Church of England Archives - Conservation of bound archives
City of London Cemetery - Conservation survey of archive collections
Ely Museum - Conservation of bound archives
English Heritage - Conservation of prints, drawings and watercolours
Freemasons Hall - Library and archive conservation survey and conservation of archive collections
Fry Art Gallery, Saffron Walden - Conservation of print collections
Garrick Club - Conservation of original architect’s plans
Great Yarmouth Museum - Conservation of watercolours
Guy's and St Thomas' - Archives Conservation survey of hospital archives
Household Cavalry Museum - Preservation of book collections
Houses of Parliament Library - Library conservation programme
Imperial War Museum - Conservation of archival collections
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - Library conservation survey. Insitu conservation of archive collections
Institute of Chartered Accountants - Insitu conservation of rare books collections
Institute of Ismaili Studies - Conservation survey of manuscript collection
Institute of Neurology (UCL) - Library and archive conservation survey
King's College Cambridge - Conservation of modern archive collections
Kuwait Royal Collection - Conservation survey of manuscript collection
London School of Economics - Conservation of archival material
London Toy and Model Museum - Conservation of archive collections
Marine Biological Association - Library and archive conservation survey
Natural History Museum - Library and archive conservation survey
National Trust - Conservation of books and archives
Poetry Library - Insitu preservation and conservation of bound material
Royal Academy of Arts - Exhibition condition checking
Royal Academy of Music - Conservation of archival material
Royal Artillery Museum - Conservation of archival collections
Royal Asiatic Society - Conservation and preservation of art, manuscripts and archive collections
Royal College of Physicians - Conservation of art and archival material
Royal College of Surgeons - Library and archive conservation survey. Insitu conservation of Library. Conservation of archival collections
Royal Geographical Society - Collections conservation survey
Royal Harwich Yacht Club - Conservation of paintings and prints
Royal Horticultural Society - Conservation of watercolour albums
Royal Institute Archive - Preservation survey and conservation of original plans
Royal Institute of British Architects - Conservation survey of art and archive collections and conservation of archive collections
Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys - Collections preservation survey
Royal School of Ballet - Preservation of manuscript collections
Royal Society - Conservation of archival collections
Royal Society for Asian Affairs - Conservation of library material
Royal Society of Arts - Collections conservation survey
Royal Society of Chemistry - Preservation and conservation of art and archive collections
Royal Society of Medicine - Library and archive conservation survey and insitu conservation programme
St Bartholomew's Hospital - Conservation of archival collections
St Edmund Hall, Oxford - Insitu conservation of Old Library Collection
Saffron Walden Museum - Conservation of pith paintings
School of Oriental and African Studies - Preservation audit and conservation of archival collections
Scott Polar Institute - Conservation of paper based items
Society of Antiquaries - Conservation and preservation of art, manuscripts and archival collections
Society of Bone and Joint Surgery - Insitu conservation programme
Society of Geologists - Conservation of maps and archives
Stamford Mercury Archive - HLF funded preservation audit and conservation of newspaper archive
Tareq Rajab Museum, Kuwait - Paper conservation
Tennyson Research Centre - Preservation and conservation of library and archive
Trinity House - Conservation of bound archives
University College London - Conservation of art and archival collections
University of Edinburgh - Conservation of rare manuscripts
Wigmore Hall - Archive conservation survey
Worshipful Society of Apothecaries - Conservation of archive collections
"Over the last 10 years, our paper conservation projects have ranged in size from £30 to £30,000. We have found that nothing is too small to matter, or too large to cope with."